Captured Hamas terrorist admits we became animals as he details mission

Fox News reports on ‘Israeli interrogation video’

Hamas militants were told by commanders to behead civilians during their attack on southern Israel on October 7, according to an Israeli interrogation video obtained and reviewed by Fox News.

A Hamas militant in his 20s described how Hamas used Telegram to share videos in real time as they conducted the massacres.

The militant had been captured outside of Alumim, a small kibbutz sitting on the border with Gaza.

In the video, the Hamas member sits in a white cloth jumpsuit across from an Israeli interrogator who asks him questions about the October 7 attack.

The Hamas militant describes the instructions they received from commanders prior to the invasion, revealing that they had received coordinated specific plans to invade Israel and inflict terror on civilians.

The man said they shared videos to Hamas’ Telegram channel of them killing Israelis in their homes.

He also acknowledged that according to Islam religion, they should never kill women, children, or elderly people. But he said Hamas commanders told fighters to do “whatever they felt like doing”.

The militant added that commanders told them this was a “suicide mission” and that they should “not plan on coming back”.

They were told to “step on the heads of civilians” to “behead them and do whatever they felt like”.

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When the interrogator asked the militant if he felt like the comparison between Hamas and ISIS was accurate, he said yes.

The militant said: “We became animals. Things that humans do not do.”

He went into more details about what militants did to civilians, but they are too graphic to share.

More than 1,400 Israelis have been killed since Hamas’ attack two weeks ago, with thousands more wounded.

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