Putin’s doctors freed from ‘corpse-sitting’ duties as death now ‘state secret’

The doctors forced to corpse-sit a dead Russian President Vladimir Putin have now been freed, it is claimed – but the leader's alleged death is now officially a “state secret”.

Last week, the Daily Star reported the wild claims that Putin had succumbed to the myriad of apparent health issues he has allegedly been suffering for nearly two years, with a heart attack last week proving the final nail in the coffin. The source of the claims is a Telegram channel called General SVR, which is thought to be led by a Kremlin insider, and it said Putin had died at the 71-year-old's Valdai residence.

This forced the Kremlin to deny it for the second time in 48 hours, with Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov telling state media RIA Novosti that the report was an “absurd information canard”. However, the same Kremlin insider has now claimed that the doctors who were unable to save the man's life and have spent the last four days locked inside his Valdai home with the corpse have finally been freed.

READ MORE: Doctors still trapped in room with Putin's 'corpse' several days after Vlad's 'death'

For the latest news on Vladimir Putin's health, click here.

In the latest update from the Telegram channel, the insider claims: “The medical personnel who were involved in the treatment and resuscitation of Putin were kept for some time on the territory of the residence in Valdai, but after the go-ahead from the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, they were conditionally released under a non-disclosure agreement and are now at their place of permanent residence under a ban on leaving the region.

“Putin's death, it turns out, is a state secret.

“Part of the-late President’s family found themselves hostage to the situation and their fate is being decided by the current leadership of the country, with Putin’s partner Alina Kabaeva and her children under the control of people from the Presidential security service, who are now subject to Patrushev’s orders and instructions.

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“Certain compromises have been reached with the president’s daughters; they are ready to support the myth of an allegedly living Putin, but at the same time they put forward a number of conditions that were accepted.”

The Kremlin has constantly denied that Putin has been suffering from health issues and is, or could be, dead – but the source on Telegram continues to claim otherwise.

The end of their latest update also claimed that “soon there will be numerous confirmations of our information”, which the Daily Star will, of course, bring you first.

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