Dad forced paedo mate to dig own grave and kill himself after discovering abuse

A dad who discovered his best mate had been sexually abusing his young daughter was jailed after he forced the his former friend to take his own life.

Vyacheslav Matrosov, 35, was convicted of "inciting a person to suicide or attempted suicide by threats or abuse" after he made Oleg Sviridov, 32, dig his own grave in a forest near the Russian village of Vintai. The pair then became embroiled in a vicious knife fight which ended after Sviridov supposedly killed himself.

Matrosov was initially arrested on suspicion of murder, much to the anger of local parents. People living near to where the attack took place declared: "Every father would have done this," and clubbed together to fund his legal costs and started a petition to have him acquitted.

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The dad was ultimately handed an 18-month jail term, of which he served six after a public outcry.

The two men had once been good friends and Sviridov would regularly babysit Matrosov's children. "They left their children with him all the time," Sviridov's mother said in the wake of the incident. "When he baby-sat these girls he came back home as normal, in a good mood."

Seemingly trying to wrap her head around her son's crimes, she added: "He must have been drunk. Most likely he was drunk."

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The horrific secret was uncovered after the pals had been drinking together. When Sviridov drifted off to sleep, Matrosov unlocked his friend's phone and discovered a video of his friend forcing a child to perform a sex act, court documents later showed.

The girl, thought to have been Sviridov's goddaughter, could allegedly be heard saying: "Oleg, that's enough, I can't take it any more. I want to go home."

Police later claimed Sviridov kept other videos on his device showing the rapes of other girls from the village, aged six and 11. The horrifying clips suggested the suspect had been abusing kids for five years before he was discovered, the Daily Mail reported.

Matrosov allegedly gave Sviridov the option to turn himself in to police, but after he refused his furious pal spoke to officers himself. A manhunt soon began but after he tried to flee, Matrosov sought the offender out himself.

Sviridov was last seen alive in September 2021 and was badly beaten, a relative said. His body was found a week later in a makeshift grave. Investigators concluded he was made to dig the hole before the pair became embroiled in a fight, with forensic teams finding Sviridov took his own life.

Matrosov told officers he didn't mean to kill his friend. He said he had hoped to frighten his former pal into confessing his crimes but that the altercation had turned nasty.

Before serving six months in a Russian penal colony, Matrosov said he was "pleased" not to be facing a charge of deliberately killing Sviridov.

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