Couple feel house is real-life Paranormal Activity after ghost sees dog flee

A couple claims they’re living a “real life Paranormal Activity” after they captured a ghostly figure on camera.

Victoria Hepworth was looking after her sister’s one-year-old black Labrador, named Kiwi, at her home in Preston, Lancashire. The poor pooch was chased by a tall 'floating' figure dressed in white.

A “lurking” ghoul was caught on the family dog camera on Thursday, September 21. The camera had been set up to keep a close eye on the pooch overnight.

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The next morning the pair checked the footage to make sure Kiwi hadn’t been up to no good. At around 6.40 am the motion sensor was triggered in their living room, the 35-year-old and her fiancé Joe Shard found a “boisterous” pup – and something more sinister.

The couple were 'unsettled' by what they saw, describing it as “something out of Paranormal Activity”. The footage shows Kiwi on the move as a tall figure “floating” above the door.

Victoria claims that the figure has a clear head and shoulders and casts a shadow on the wall. She and her 29-year-old fiancé have lived in their “haunted” 135-year home for around six years.

Victoria said: "It was Kiwi's first night here and our first night setting the camera up. The next morning we were checking over it on the app and that's when we saw the picture.

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"We tried clicking to watch the footage, like a Ring doorbell, but the camera just takes a photo of any movement – and this was the first movement it picked up. It was really weird. I wouldn't say either of us particularly believes in ghosts but it looks like it's floating or hovering.

"It felt very odd because it made us think, 'What has been there?'. We were a bit unsettled. It reminded me of Paranormal Activity. We're both from a millennial generation, so we grew up with found footage films like that.

"That day, Joe went to work and I was working from home looking after the dog. I said to him, 'Cheers for showing me that and then leaving me here all alone and vulnerable.'

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“Kiwi didn't bark in the night but, thinking back, maybe we heard whimpering. She slept most of the night in her bed, but here she's obviously running away.”

Victoria explains that Kiwi is a very friendly dog and loves to play fetch, so if the ghoul is friendly, then they will likely get on.

She continued: “I remember on the day we moved in my nephew, who was two years old at the time, and their family puppy were sitting about halfway up the stairs and both of them burst into tears at the exact same time.

"The dog started whimpering and the baby started crying. They say kids and animals pick up on things, and I thought 'Oh brilliant, we've got a haunted house.' But it's hard to get on the property ladder these days so beggars can't be choosers, can we?"

The pair are now trying to get to the bottom of what exactly the 'dog cam' captured – and are now looking into the history of their old cotton mill home for a possible explanation.

Victoria said: "Preston is a mill worker town so it's full of old streets and big terraced houses which belonged to the factory owners back in the day.

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"We know the property was built in 1888 and we know who lived in it, so we're trying to see who could possibly have lived here who wouldn't be very happy.

"We've not done any building work or anything that would disturb anything, so this is completely out of the blue.

"I've always been interested in ghosts. I've lived in Edinburgh and London and I loved going on ghost walks and watching horror films.

"It's pretty cool more than anything else. I've never had a bad experience – and I don't feel negatively towards the house at all."

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