Brit slapheads rejoice as poll find 90% of women find bald men sexy

Slapheaeds are in fact sexy, a poll revealed.

Almost nine in 10 women think baldies are fit in news that will no doubt come as a great relief to Brits with shiny domes.

And Prince William, 41, was named as the sexiest hairless hunk, ahead of actors Vin Diesel and Jason Statham. A spokesman for Reboot, which carried out the poll of 2,000 women, said: “We carefully examined cranial shine factor, voice attractiveness and global search interest, to produce a whole new ranking of the world’s sexiest bald men.”

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Actor Samuel L Jackson took the fourth spot, with super-rich Amazon boss Jeff Bezos coming in at fifth.

Follicly challenged shiny heads John Travolta, Bruce Willis and Yul Brynner didn’t even make the cut. Slaphead Steve Jones, 45, from Hastings, East Sussex, said: “I’ve been bald since I was in my early 30s and I must admit as soon as I lost my hair I suddenly became irresistible to the opposite sex.

“It wasn’t something I was expecting but it seems that women really do love a slaphead.”

The news comes after a report from the Star last year that three-quarters of men felt that their hair loss was barring them from finding love. Some 800 men were spoken to, with 73% claiming they had been more unlucky in love since losing their lids compared their to hirsute pals.

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