Dad slammed as he ditches wife and three kids on flight so he can relax

A woman has claimed that a dad made a shocking decision while flying. She posted on TikTok about the man who had made it so that he got to fly in peace while his wife looked after their children.

Saying that she was on the plane with the family, Kristine shared a video online. She said that she’s noticed a mums struggling to get her carry on luggage onto the plane while holding a newborn baby and wrangling her toddler.

Kristine helped the woman out before noticing that the mum wasn’t actually flying alone. The holidaymaker said: "I helped her get the luggage above and we sat down (in the same row)."

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Then she spotted the father of the two children in another row. Kristine claims she offered to switch seats with him so the family could all sit together.

In a clip posted to her account, @one_toughmother, she said: "I was seated net to a mom who has a baby in her lap and a toddler beside her. It was a lot.

"I offered to switch seats with the dad, who was a few rows up so he could be with his family. He said 'Great thanks'; and sends over another small kid to sit with the mom."

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Gobsmacked, Kristine added: "He enjoyed a kid-free flight." In the caption, Kristine said: "A little Sunday rage for ya."

Trying to insist on swapping with the dad Kristine noted: "I was like, ‘No, I need the aisle [seat] because my kids are in the row behind and I need to be able to help them out’." But, it seems she did swap in the end as she said she "froze" in response and "fumbled it".

In a second video, Kristine said: "This post went pretty bonkers, but what strikes me most of all is how differently it's received by men and women in the comments. The mental gymnastics that men will do to try defend this guy is unreal

"All I know right now is that this woman boarded the plane holding a baby, with a toddler and carry on luggage that she was struggling to get above her head. So I helped her get it above and we sat down.

"The only reasonable option in this situation was for him to say, ‘No thank you. I'm actually sitting here with my other child. Thanks anyway’."

The background of the video was simply the aisle of her flight with passengers moving around. In the comments, fellow social media users were fuming at the man’s decision.

One person said: "The absolute rage I am feeling right now." While another called the woman a "married single mother".

A third woman added: "I remember my ex husband refused to acknowledge me and kids for an 9 hour flight. they were 1.5 years and 4 months at the time."

While a cabin crew member said: "I'm a flight attendant and I've seen soooo many mothers looking after the kids the whole flight while the father sits away or doesn't help. It's crazy."

One person even said: "Had a mom with her toddler sitting on her for most of the flight in economy, dad stopped by ONCE in 10 hours to check on them from 1st class."

But, other people wanted to think the best of the man. One asked: "What if he were the stay at home dad and mom was finally looking after the kids so he could have a break?"

Many people pointed out that "travelling is a team effort" with children. Some said that he couldn’t have switched as that would have left the other child alone.

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