Training company warmly welcomes plans to help people get back to work

Davie Carns, founder of Wolverhampton-based National Infrastructure Solutions, said: “It is something we are passionate about and an area where we have a proven track record, with 87% of the people we work with going on to gain sustainable employment in rail and wider infrastructure sectors. Let’s be clear, this is thousands of people who have trained with us, not a handful to meet a tick box exercise.

“We were pleased to see skills recognised as one of the key focus points of the Autumn Statement. We welcome the £1.3bn funding that can be used to support people into employment, which will subsequently empower individuals in achieving ambitions and enhancing lives and communities.”

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However Mr Carns warned that simply throwing money at training courses was doomed to failure.

He said: “At the forefront of thinking for entry level course design should be the human elements. Training providers must work with individuals to build confidence, remove barriers, create individual learning plans and journeys for those looking to take their first tentative steps back into the world of work.

One of the most successful schemes we run is in partnership with City of Wolverhampton College and heavily supported at a local level by the West Midlands Combined Authority. This is a collaborative model benefitting thousands of people and one we believe should be replicated across the country.

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“We have also worked with Armed Forces veterans, the long-term unemployed, those not in education or training and ex-offenders to deliver our ‘Back on Track’ courses.

“They begin with the end in mind – employment. Our learners are prepared and ready to undertake specialist skills training, while giving them a clear pathway to support their own employment ambitions.

“If we get the balance right, the renewed focus on getting individuals into work is a great opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s daily lives and deliver the economic boost the Chancellor is looking for.”

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