Tories warn Starmer will ‘unravel’ Brexit as UK could become associate EU member

Keir Starmer says Macron meeting ‘constructive and positive’

Tory MPs have warned Sir Keir Starmer cannot be trusted on Brexit after the UK was named as a possible “associate member” of the European Union under new plans by France and Germany.

The two powerful EU nations have put forward a report with a blueprint for a four-tiered system as the bloc prepares to enlarge.

The proposal, which is said to have been designed to appeal to a future Labour government, said that “even the UK” could be an “associate member” in the outer third tier.

It would involve paying into the EU’s budget and being governed by the European Court of Justice in exchange for participation in the single market.

Conservative MP David Jones said the Labour leader, who backed Remain and a second referendum, “would probably love it”.

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Mr Jones told the Express: “It would be a very bad deal. We would be subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, which would mean that we lost our sovereignty, having only just won it back.

“We would be paying for the privilege. We would have to align with EU rules, which would hinder us in our ambitions to be a world-trading nation with links to economic powerhouses such as the CPTPP.

“Keir Starmer would probably love it. It should never be forgotten that he is a devout Europhile who was desperate to have a second referendum.”

Mark Francois, who chairs the powerful European Research Group of backbench Tory Brxiteers, said Sir Keir “remains a Remainer and always will”.

He went on: “During what I call ‘the Battle for Brexit’ in Parliament several years ago, I watched him constantly conspiring with Europhile MPs to try and keep us in the EU anyhow he could, whilst repeatedly calling for a second referendum.

“These latest revelations now prove you simply cannot trust Starmer and Labour on Europe.”

Former minister Dr Liam Fox added: “The cat is now out of the bag. Labour will unravel Brexit. At the election people will now have a clear choice.”

But Labour rejected suggestions the party would seek to make the UK an “associate member” if it wins the next general election.

A spokesman said: “Labour will seek a better deal for Britain. This does not involve any form of membership.”

Sir Keir has pledged to seek a closer trading relationship with the EU if he takes the keys to No 10.

He said he would look to negotiate a “much better” Brexit deal with Brussels.

But the Labour leader has insisted he would not drag Britain back into the single market or customs union.

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Experts have warned his vision for a closer partnership with the EU would likely face challenges if he wins power.

The report by Paris and Berlin was released yesterday as Sir Keir met French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

It suggests four tiers of integration with the “inner circle” comprised of countries who are in the Eurozone and Schengen Area, followed by a second tier of remaining EU states.

An outer third tier would be “associate members” who are not “willing and/or able to join the EU in the foreseeable future”.

The fourth tier would be the existing European Political Community, which the UK is already part of, focusing on “geopolitical convergence and political cooperation” in areas such climate policy, security and energy.

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