Remarkably unsuccessful Keir Starmer warned fragile poll lead could vanish

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been warned against complacency by a top polling expert as his party’s conference enters its second day in Liverpool.

Leading pollster Professor Sir John Curtice explained on average Sir Keir’s party was 17 points ahead of the Conservatives. But he pointed to a recent a YouGov poll this week which found less than one in four (22 percent) of all voters feel Labour has a clear plan for Britain.

Writing in the Independent, he said: “Despite Labour’s large poll lead, Sir Keir has been remarkably unsuccessful at impressing himself on voters. According to the latest Ipsos poll, he currently has a net satisfaction rating of -14.”

The professor of politics added: “A lack of clarity, question marks about competence, a relatively unpopular leader. Maybe none of this will matter, given the low regard in which the Conservatives are held. But should Mr Sunak prove able to turn his government around, Labour might suddenly find that their seemingly impregnable large lead is in fact rather fragile.”


Rachel Reeves slams people cheering for Palestinian cause at Labour conference

The shadow chancellor told Times Radio: “I’ve got no time for that.

“I want to see a Palestinian state existing alongside a safe and secure Israel.

“What frustrates me so much is that what Hamas has done over the last few days has set back the cause for peace that I am so desperate to see in the Middle East, and that people across Labour are desperate to see in the Middle East.

“Terrorism is not the way to get there. I’m appalled by what we’ve seen.”

She added: “Israel has been attacked by terrorists. It has every right to defend itself, get its hostages back and protect its citizens.”

Israel row explodes as calls grow for Labour to sack hard left pro-Palestine MP

Conservative Party chairman Greg Hands has demanded that Labour remove the whip from MP Apsana Begum over a tweet in support of a pro-Palestinian campaign group.

This came following an exchange on X, formerly Twitter, between the Labour MP for Poplar and Limehouse in East London and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) which earlier had called for a rally outside the Israeli embassy sparking outrage.

Good morning

Good morning from Liverpool on day two of the Labour Party conference!

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