Nigel Farage blasts ignorant Humza Yousaf for backing Remembrance Day protests

Nigel Farage Slams Humza Yousaf For Backing Remembrance Protest

Nigel Farage accused Humza Yousaf of an “appalling level of disrespect” after he backed pro-Palestine protests planned for Armistice Day.

The Scottish First Minister yesterday insisted the march due to take place in central London on Saturday should “absolutely” go ahead.

But Mr Farage criticised Mr Yousaf’s support for the demonstration on Remembrance Day amid calls for it to be banned.

Speaking on GB News, the former Ukip and Brexit Party leader said: “It shows an appalling level of disrespect for the sheer level of sacrifice that was made so we could be a free country.

“Scotland suffered disproportionately more than the rest of the UK. He appears to be entirely ignorant of that.

“He’s putting the politics of the Middle East above the interest of this country on what is supposed to be the most solemn occasion of our year. I also can’t help thinking there’s a religious element to this.”

Mr Farage went on: “Well he’s in for a hell of a shock because Scotland – just like the rest of the UK – the vast, clear majority of the public do not want this march to go ahead on Armistice Day.

“And to claim that everybody else is turning this into a culture war. No this is the UK, Scotland is a part of it, these are our traditions, our cultures, and this is at the very centrepiece of our national year.

“For a country that is far less religious than it used to be, there is something about these services on and around Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day that really reach out way beyond people who will bow their heads for a moment’s silence but wouldn’t go to church for the rest of the year. This is important, he simply doesn’t care.”

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Speaking on Monday, Mr Yousaf said he “absolutely” supported the rally – which is demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict – going ahead.

He said: “I understand (the march) is taking place after the minute silence that we will all undoubtedly observe, I hear it’s not going anywhere near Whitehall or, indeed, the Cenotaph.

“And, of course, if Armistice was about anything, my goodness, it’s about peace.”

He also took aim at Home Secretary Suella Braverman for branding the protests as “hate marches”.

He said: “I am beyond angry at the Home Secretary and the UK Government who seem to want to drive every issue into a culture war.

“Describing those marches as hate marches is disgraceful, unacceptable.

“Yes, in every single march, I’m afraid you’ll get one or two idiots who will do and say something that we all universally condemn, but to describe those hundreds of thousands in London, in cities across the UK, including here in Scotland, as full of hate or hate marches is completely unacceptable.

“Frankly, this UK Government is unfit for office and certainly the Home Secretary is unfit for office.”

The Met Police yesterday urged protest organisers to cancel the planned rally.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan, who leads public order policing in the English capital, said: “The risk of violence and disorder linked to breakaway groups is growing.

“This is of concern ahead of a significant and busy weekend in the capital.

“Our message to organisers is clear: please, we ask you to urgently reconsider. It is not appropriate to hold any protests in London this weekend.”

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has pledged to avoid the Whitehall area where the Cenotaph is located.

Scotland Yard has said it would use “all powers and tactics” at its disposal to prevent disruption, including Section 13 of the Public Order Act 1986, which allows the banning of a procession when there is a risk of serious disorder.

The force must prove the threshold for a Section 13 order has been met before seeking approval from the Home Secretary to sign off on a ban.

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