Tesla owner makes custom easy-to-install physical button panels

The video shows how easily the panel can be installed with just two screws and a plug.

A video on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), has been doing the rounds, which shows a custom-made panel with physical buttons to control the features of a Tesla car.

The panel is said to have been built by a Chinese Tesla owner and looks very legit once installed below the infotainment display. The panel controls various features in the car, from opening the doors to controlling the seat adjustments and even having the AC direction controls; among a few others. The video on the social media platform shows how easily the panel can be installed with just two screws and a plug to connect to the car’s computer.

With more and more carmakers now replacing physical buttons with capacitive touch-based controls, the buttons panel offers a welcome change for car owners. However, reports do state that diehard Tesla fans are up in arms about the panel.

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